About Me

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It's not. About me, I mean. Really!
I avoid labels when possible, but here goes: SWF, 40'ish, 20 year Navy veteran. I have an inner ham and her name is Ms. Piggy.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Glacial change

National Hate Crimes Bill passes the house! BTW, our own Kim Pearson and TYFA are in Washington DC right now doing their part! THANK YOU KIM AND THANK YOU TYFA!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


I've been following the Angie Zapata murder trial since it's inception with a sense of dread. In the same state that brought us Columbine, the same area of our country where we lost Matthew Shepherd, and where TYFA (www.imatyfa.org) has found so much anti-trans bias; I found it hard to believe we might see justice for Angie. I'm moved, saddened and hopeful all at the same time. Saddened that we still have lost so many bright spots due to hate, and that such a defense as was presented in the case could possibly be considered relevant. Such beautiful young people taken far too early by hate.......
I'm hopeful
