About Me

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It's not. About me, I mean. Really!
I avoid labels when possible, but here goes: SWF, 40'ish, 20 year Navy veteran. I have an inner ham and her name is Ms. Piggy.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007


Good heavens, so much for the blog lag time! It's been quite a busy past few months, to say the least.
HRT is going well, no unexpected bad side effects. Good one's include breast development, decreased body hair and ejaculate; spontaneous erections are a thing of the past. My friends tell me my features are softening, of course that is hard for me to tell; I see my mug every day! The tape measure tells a story too. It's strange, my bust measurement this month has gone down an inch, even though I have visibly larger breasts; my chest measurement increased an inch. And a whopping 2 inches increase on my posterior! Do these make my butt look too big, LOL!?
After a period of fighting and arguing all the time, my roommate and I are getting along better, that is a huge blessing. I'm Felix and she is Oscar, if that tells you anything. She was also without work for the month of March, the money strain made things very difficult.
My divorce was final in March, I cried all the way home from the courthouse. A page turns, and bursts into flames, lost to me forever. I know I am fortunate we are still amicable, I kept my house, and I have access to my son. But my family was the most important thing to me; if I could do it with peace of mind, I would take it all back in an instant.
Also in March, my legal name change was completed; as far as the State of Arizona is concerned, I am Marie J Aponte, single white female!!!
Was March an important month? I guess!
Take care friends!
